Smithfarms Coffee Prices
Order Smithfarms 100% Pure Kona Coffee
Hawaii General Excise Tax will be added to orders shipped within Hawaii.
We have great roasted coffee for you
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100% Pure Kona “Estate Grade” Roasted Coffee * Whole Beans
$37/LB + $9.5 S&H via USPS
$19.50/Half LB + $10.00 S&H via USPS
$180/FIVE LB Bulk bag + $17.85 S&H via USPS
100% Pure Kona “Estate Grade” Roasted Coffee *Ground Beans
$38/LB + $10. S&H via USPS
$20.50/HALF LB + $10 S&H via USPS
$185/ FIVE LB Bulk bag + $17.85 S&H via USPS
No Peaberry now
100% Pure Kona Peaberry Roasted Coffee * Whole Beans
$25/Half LB Peaberry+ $9.50 S&H via USPS
$48/LB + $9.50 S&H via USPS
$235 FIVE LB Bulk bag+ $15.50 S&H via USPS
Peaberry is 5% of our total crop and because of its flavor and rarity, it is more valuable
No green coffee available.
Green/Unroasted Estate Grade 100% Kona Coffee beans 10 Lbs. maximum per order, please $26.50/LB +$9.15 S&H via USPS