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Welcome to Smithfarms!

 Established in 8/8/88 and online since 1/3/99 🙂
Celebrating more than 35 years of
and  25 years of Being

      We have roasted 100% Kona COFFEE


                our grandson got this photo of a nightwitch moth below, in September
                  about 4 inches wingspread
                   (click on photo for more detail)


              view from our Living Room on a beautiful day:)


        continuing with the tastiest caffeine delivery system on the planet! 

Aloha…..from south Kona on Hawaii island …2,800 miles off the west coast of America & 1,869 feet up the slopes of Mauna Loa, to our front door handle:).                                                  

100% Kona Coffee Lawsuit: here is the link to the Lawsuit that was finalized in late March 2024. (very slow to download) when eventually more than 30 million $ was distributed to 100% Kona coffee farmers because of deceptional advertising by middle men and sellers.

SMITHFARMS welcomes you to try our 100% Kona coffee. Our Coffea arabica, var. typica trees are happy and healthy and many are over 125+ years old! Still vigorous and beautiful. Our trees are the heirloom real Kona Coffee, absolutely.

We know that our SMITHFARMS 100% Kona Coffee
is as good as Kona coffee can be!   

Bob has enhanced our practically perfect natural conditions through individualized attention to each tree. He is able to give our trees this specialized care because of our 5-acre size. Honestly– he really loves all of his trees.
Think it shows up in the cup.

We are sustainable farmers who do not use any insecticides. We are meeting our needs while considering the needs of future generations that will farm this same land.   

   Our cat sisters continue to delight. Ginger on the left and Juneau on the right.
They are having a pre-bedtime nap and were 7 years old this past Valentine’s Day:)

                                                                                                                                                Their birthday portrait


The humans—Bob and I, Cea, live on the farm in our house and are the growers, pickers, and packers, selling our entire crop directly to people who enjoy our unique products. We hand farm our land, using no machinery, continuing the ancient tradition of hand farming by Hawaiians who grew taro, bananas, sweet potatoes and sugarcane in our same fields

Blooming again!! our Miltonia orchid- can you tell exactly what pollinator (moth or butterfly) it is trying to attract? 
Not too subtle Mother Nature:)

         didyou it takes about 300 ripe coffee cherries to total a pound of fresh coffee? and it takes about 7 pounds of fresh coffee cherries (2100 coffee cherries!) to get 1 roasted pound of coffee for you? Each coffee cherry is picked one by one, by hand.

 Smithfarms Pure Kona Coffee is…

 PURE Natural! Unadulterated Goodness! 

Truly awesome Taste! & Aroma!!!

100% Kona Coffee

sweet, creamy, chocolaty, sparkly & all natural!

and …it can be yours easily!  

our downstairs special climate controlled storage room 


Our Smithfarms farm is found high (steep slopes up to the 1900 foot elevation) above historic Kealakekua Bay and overlooking the ancient Place Of Refuge in the district of South Kona on Hawaii island, the largest, and most southern of the 8 main Hawaiian islands. Captain Cook first landed in 1779 at Kealakekua Bay which we overlook.

Unusual view of the ocean as I was driving down. Sheets of rain coming on to land from the Pacific ocean. 


SMITHFARMS is a 5 acre Kona coffee farm whose farmers are dedicated to the conscientious care of the earth and its bounty.

We have natural shade grown 100% Kona coffee and we use no chemical insecticides.

Our SMITHFARMS land has been hand farmed without any machinery ever. We have pre-contact stone walls, hand built by Hawaiians. No bulldozer has ever crushed our earth. The roots of our coffee plants can go anywhere they want in our light volcanic soil. Makes them happy coffee trees!

The picking equipment: a basket, pair of gloves, (lots of…) time in the fresh air …..

and the great result… Smithfarms coffee fruit in a basket!

What makes our Kona Coffee farm so special?

It is really just us, with Bob doing the hard farm work daily and both of us working along side our pickers every picking day. I manage this web site and do other smithfarms-office type stuff. We have a great and kind helper Timoteo Martens, who weed whacks our entire farm. We are the packers and the pruners and roasters of our Smithfarms 100% Kona Coffee. Mortals trying to do the right thing.

We can supply you with the finest 100% Kona coffee there is and we are confident about that.

Smithfarms is farmed by sustainable farmers (definition: meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs by doing the same thing on our land).

Bob is conscientious about the care of the land and would never jeopardize it.

We are a fairly traded coffee (definition: non-exploitive toward the farm, farmer or the workers).

We live in America, too.

Smithfarms Pure Kona Coffee

indeed BEAUTIFUL & NATURAL- and we pick only the red ones

Never had our coffee Before?  aaah “poor ting” ðŸ™‚ as we say in Hawaii…

WE CAN Help!

We were told that drinking our coffee is like “having dessert at breakfast”

Imagine tasting this goodness yourself: (yum… slurp… swirl) SMITHFARMS 100% Kona coffee beans — Natural & Gourmet with “an AROMA which is full, sweet and fruity – causing your olfactory senses to jump with delight


“What a wonderful l i n g e r i n g taste each sip will give you.” 

A cup of naturally sweet Kona coffee that will never be forgotten, Creamy smooth, with that Just-before-chocolate taste! 

Mild mild in acid and just awesome awesome in flavor. 

A “clean and bright 100% Kona coffee flavor which is straight forward, and a full & smooth with a sweet body and such a lingering finish.”
said a renowned coffee reviewer after tasting our coffee.


We offer an extremely SECURE ORDER FORM and website. We use RapidSSL by GeoTrust to protect you– always. We never have access to your entire credit card information ourselves, (various sections of  the numbers are stored on various servers to protect you. 

   Smithfarms Coffee Cherry fresh picked

   Isn’t that picking beautiful? The end of a picking day.


We selectively hand pick each coffee bean so that only the ripest, reddest fruit is chosen.

We then carefully wet-process our coffee in lots of fresh volcanic aquifer water and then every Smithfarms Kona coffee bean is put out in our warm Hawaiian sun to bask/sun bathe with de-light while our tropical breezes gently dry them to perfection.

No chemicals are involved.
which results in….
S100% Kona Coffee PURE which is Freshly Roasted, extraordinarily AromaticSweet & Delicate & Naturally Gourmet!

“What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to a human soul.” -Joseph Addison, essayist and poet (1672-1719)

What is Happening now?  First harvest of 2024-2025 on the drying decks.
Roasting and packing your coffee. Endless weed/grass whacking on going. 
                      People want only good coffee and we are working hard to provide it.

Hacking back with my little chainsaw

FYI-Smithfarms is “open” from Sundays through Thursdays and we often take off from putting orders together on Fridays and Saturdays. Our rural Honaunau Post Office is closed from noon on Fridays until 8 am on Mondays. Just in case you were wondering:)

     Saturday night sunset


          aloha from us in south Kona